Thursday, February 14, 2013


In Utah, it is illegal to swear in front of a dead person...

...and the purpose for that would be???  Are the deceased in Utah more easily offended???  Or perhaps this law was put in place to assuage the fears of those oh so fabulous members of the Mormon's what I find interesting...but then of course I tend to consider things from a slightly off center point of view...personally I see DEAD people each and every I work at a hospital???  NO.  Do I work at a morgue???  NO.  Am I currently in the armed services of the US and deployed to a distant unnecessary battlefield??? how do I see DEAD people each and every day...simple really I open my peepers in the morning and look around...we are all DEAD people walking...we each just take our time arriving at Death's door...unless of course somebody has undeniable proof of immortality...resurrection or reincarnation...ANYONE...ANYONE???  Didn't think in essence ANYONE residing in the Salt Lake state is guilty of committing an infraction of the law should they utter syllabic slurs of a swearing nature in the presence of any person...animated or otherwise...I find it similarly interesting the interpretations of the greatest minds on this planet regarding theories about what happens after our life lights are extinguished...or there hypothesis on why ancient civilizations employed various burial rituals...especially since NONE of them were there...NOR are there any remaining members from ancient civilizations available to explain in detail why the people back then did what they did with their dead...I find it hypocritical that the majority of people on this planet have a belief system affiliated with an organized religion in which the tenets of the system involve treating all of GOD's creatures with the same amount of and caring...yet we bury deceased humans in ritualistic ceremonies...and discard...or neglect a similar practice for any other form of wildlife or pet...quick show of many heretics have either flushed a gold fish down the toilet after it goes belly up...or driven by roadkill without giving it a second thought???  Alright...Alright...put your hands down...looks like the North Atlantic after the Titanic sank...everybody reaching for something...the simple fact of the matter is current civilizations within modern day society derived their practices concerning the handling of the unhealthy directly from ancestral belief some point after we crawled forth from caves...humans endured some sort of experience that led them to believe there was SOMETHING waiting for them after they passed from this PLANE of almost EVERY scenario involving preparing the dead for burial...individually...(not genocidal)... we see a common theme...pagan religions such as those followed by the early Sumerians... Egyptians..Vikings...modern day theologies... Catholics...Mormons...Towelheads...all display the dead (when possible) wrapped...embalmed...mummified or decked out in their Sunday Best...why???  Because throughout human history...from the moment we were able to understand more than grunts and howls...we have been told there is another PLANE of existence waiting for us after our time here is through...this has been instilled in us since before the birth of organized there another plane waiting for us...or do we just become prepackaged food for fish bait???  Being a numbers guy...and an outside the average thinker...I'd hafta venture a guess that there are thousands...if not millions of additional planes of existence possible...we have yet to begin to understand ourselves or our place in the universe...current scientific data suggests there are hundreds of planets within our galaxy that are within the habitable zone of a life sustaining star or stars like our own sun...if that is true...and even an 1/8th of those planets do contain some form of intelligent and evolved lifeforms...they would all need their own 'heaven/hell/purgatory' places to advance to once their lights blink out on their little balls of space debris...most of you that read these diatribes of mine have become familiar with my mockery of both scientific and religious's because they do NOT make sense...neither field offers a complete and concise explanation for ANYTHING they postulate...the basic existence of both fields are based on educated GUESSWORK...look how many times throughout history each of these institutions have altered...modified or adjusted their practices...policies...procedures...ways of accommodate for the ever changing climate of the current day...we went from being a FLAT world to a ROUND world...from being the center of the Solar System to an orbiting ball of dust around the sun...which was the center of the Solar System...we went from worshiping the sun...moon...cows...birds...other various worshiping various gods we now believe to be 'MYTHOLOGICAL'...such as Zeus and his crew...or Jupiter and his half human desert dwelling man beasts and distant star systems associated with Orion's Belt...(in the case of the Egyptians) Jesus...Mohammed...Buddha...and over 330 MILLION deities in the Hindu religion... it would therefore be FOLLY of any of us to presume we have ALL of the answers in the current day and age...I know there are several of you that practice devoutly within your churches...some of you are at this moment covering your gaping pie holes to conceal your disbelief of this heresy...possibly even damning me to the depths of hell...(that fear inspired plane of existence where I shall undoubtedly perish by fire and brimstone for NOT buying into the whole god program)...but here's the thing...this is why I CANNOT give ANY religion a fair chance...if they ALL believed in a SINGLE Almighty Entity...there would be SOLID foundation for jumping on the proverbial bandwagon...the fact that there are over 330 MILLION gods just in the Hindu religion me serious reason to pause and question WTF is going on...put yourself in YOUR gods place...were you ALL-WISE & POWERFUL...would not EVERYONE under your control bow at your feet in praise and glory or be smitten and wiped from the memory of man???  Gods...for the most part are tyrannical figures that DEMAND respect for FEAR of retribution...I similarly CANNOT buy into the scientific community's explanation for many things...Black Holes...theoretical...Global Warming... utterly and stupifyingly ridiculous...sure man has added greenhouse gases...are they ANYWHERE near being significant enough to raise the temperature of the Earth's surface or deplete the ozone???  NOT if you believe a giant meteor impacted the planet in the distant past directly resulting in the extinction of dinosaurs...if this planet can withstand interstellar impacts from BLAZINGLY hot comets and meteors...keep the ozone intact...and continue to sustain life...I dare say short of thermonuclear annihilation we are leaving a small footprint on Mother Earth's delicate facial features...they tell us that Sirius is a Stellar nursery...a birth place of planets and stars within the galactic arm of the Milky Way...which as you know our solar system is a part the center of this Milky Way Galaxy they theorize sits a massive Black Hole...the absolute anti-thesis to a stellar is shitting out stars and planets all over the place...the other gobbles up ANYTHING & EVERYTHING...including LIGHT that is unfortunate enough to breach the event we takes FOREVER to requires light to flourish...light which travels at the FASTEST known speed in the universe...yet science would have you believe that there are things in space that spit out light sustaining orbital masses of debris...while simultaneously encompassing massive life and light gobbling unseen entities...and yet...AMAZINGLY...the star charts and maps we have of EVERYTHING we can see with optical enhancing telescopic equipment NEVER changes...ODD to say the least...and yet at the same time extremely means NONE of them know WTF they're talking why do we believe what science and religion has to tell us...GULLIBILITY...this tidbit is a prime example of that very fact...this law was passed because at some point a person of religious importance...most likely of the Mormon an ingrown hair in their unwashed ass and decided swearing in front of a dead person was sacrilegious...a damnable sin and abomination...which should NOT only be punishable in the afterlife but should be compensated for punitively while the person was still among the animated...why???  Because most of us...myself NOT believe that once we slough off our mortal shell...we cease to exist...we just have different ideas about what happens to us...where we go...what takes place and how best to get from here to there...I could go on and on and on and on pointing out things from science and religion that do NOT make sense if you just STOP and think for yourself...FACTS are a fallacy...they come about through massive subconscious acceptance of a PROPOSED idea derived from previously accepted ideas...ask yourself a few questions...if Jesus could walk on did John baptize him???  If you have a star spitting system and a star sucking system within relative close proximity...all things considered...then why doesn't the night sky change drastically???   How do comets travel at such speeds and along such elongated elliptical courses without crashing into other more stationary is there a scientific explanation for this anomaly...or is it just interstellar dumb luck...why do some...Shoemaker-Levy fall apart and smash into Jupiter...others bounce around with reckless abandon and NEVER come close enough to cause concern to ANYTHING else out there???  There isn't ONE of us alive that hasn't uttered and undesirable and offensive phrase out loud...under our breath...or in the secrecy of our own thoughts...regarding another we are all guilty of breaking the law if/when we enter the salty sanctuary of if I am going to HELL...I expect to see the rest of you there upon my arrival or shortly thereafter...until that event I encourage you to ENJOY life and have a fantastic weekend!!!

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