Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Goodyear Rubber Company researched and concluded that shoes wear out faster on the right foot than the left...

...and this is another perfect example of IDIOCY...for a couple of different reasons...#1 being...Goodyear Rubber Company has NOT carved out a niche in the foot apparel industry...some of the products famous manufacturers use in making their footwear may come from Goodyear...but they themselves do not employ foreign children in sweat shops for the specific purpose of crafting footwear for pennies and reaping profit...#2 being...there is absolutely NO useful or pertinent information deduced from this research as it applies to the shoe manufacturing industry...why???  Well...it's really rather simple...SHOES...are sold in PAIRS...regardless of how many FEET the buyer has...the ONLY places on this entire PLANET where you can purchase a single piece of podiatry equipment in the shape of a shoe is at some f**kin Redneck Yard Sale...NOBODY in the history of shoe manufacturing or sales has EVER attempted to provide a SINGLE SHOE SOLUTION...I watch a new show these days called Elementary...modern day Sherlock Holmes...it is an entertaining environment that encourages DEDUCTIVE thinking...an entirely NEW concept in the tire making sector of automotive necessities with regards to wasting money on insignificant research...a BETTER avenue of financial interest might have been developing an interchangeable shoe system...seeing as how these engineering geniuses were capable of manipulating rubber in order to fabricate tires...one would think that with the ROTATING recommendations they offer for PREVENTING tire wear... their interests with respect to FOOTWEAR would revolve around the same concept...especially if premature wear patterns were indeed discovered to affect one foot in a biased nature...this is why people like me are DANGEROUS considerations for public offices...federal, state or business CFO's...that deal directly with the financial infrastructure of the beast...how long do you think employees in the RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT arena would hold their positions of employment after submitting requests for funding frolicking expeditions through f**ktardom full of IGNORANT and completely ILLOGICAL IDEAS???  That's right...NOT long enough to receive a 7 digit pension fund when they retire...in the world of wasting money...this one is rapidly climbing to the top of the terrible thought process pile...maybe they should have focused their efforts on other rubber products...perhaps a Goodyear Run Flat Prophylactic would be a hot seller...manufactured using the same concept as the tires of a similar name...any punctures or holes in the product would seal themselves and keep the integrity of the intercourse apparatus intact for 50 more strokes...think of the market they could corner with that little device...there are a thousand logical areas they could have dumped R&D dollars without discovering results that ANYONE with common sense could have told you without charging hundreds of thousands of dollars...hell ya don't even need to be a statistician to realize the MAJORITY of humans...(you know...those cave dwelling creatures famous for spending exorbitantly on FOOTWEAR...FEMALES in particular)...are born with a tendency to utilize their RIGHT side appendages more than they are their LEFT...I use my left hand for two things...typing and...(use your imagination and insert other purpose here____________)...hint: does not involve perfecting the art of luring fish...I use my left foot to prevent tipping or tripping of the sub torso TRIPOD system...my right side appendages have a mind of their own and often conduct many of my daily tasks without needing to be instructed mentally...ya know...I'm actually quite pleased that NOT everyone has the ability to SEE things as I do...(outside the normal perception)...these tidbits would be far less interesting if we were all on the same page to begin with!!!

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