It would take more than 150 years to drive a car to the sun...
WOW...WOW...WOW...can you tell I am actually star struck and sun stunned by this little morsel of misguided imagination??? If memory serves...and that's a big 'if'' in these days of advanced aging I am currently encountering among the glory days of middle life...I believe most of us remember being educated about that big ass ball of glowing gases at the center of our Solar System sometime around the third grade...we were informed that the sun was a massive and complex environment of intense heat...blazing fires and combustible gases...the temperature of which we couldn't even begin to imagine or hope to replicate here on Earth...we were educated about the concept that ANYTHING and EVERYTHING coming within several thousand miles of the surface of said sun would perish in a flash of fire and be wiped from the memory banks of how this mental midget came up with this conclusion is beyond my scope of understanding...I fell completely confident in suggesting...or hypothesizing...that it would take NOTHING short of a billion years for the surface of the sun to cool to the point of being able to sustain contact with another object without setting it on fire...a scenario that would directly result in our own demise as light requiring life forms...complicating matter further is the fact that there is no suitable surface for driving said vehicle from here to there...which means that before a car can be driven ANYWHERE...a road hasta be constructed...a complex process that would take construction specialists in modern times at least 150 years or longer to build...and what does that mean??? Well for those without the ability to do second grade mathematics on the fly sans calculating means the proposed schedule for such a journey has already been exceeded and therefore irrelevant...what other problems might lie ahead for this interstellar travel agent??? That's right folks...SHOUT OUT the answers if they come to you naturally...FUEL...not only would it be required in order to leave a given location but as any of you who have a vehicle currently can attest...the need for replenishing that fuel as it is depleted is an absolute in conjunction with the road that needs to be built...gas stations will also have to be strategically placed along the travel path to accommodate for different mileage calculations encompassing the entire automotive industry with respect to the models each company manufactures...posing yet another delay to the proposed 150 year plan...FOOD for the idiots making the journey would need to be found or placed along the established route...since it obviously cannot be grown in space without oxygen containing structures one would hafta assume that it would be shipped in refrigerated trucks from one location to the other...I won't even mention the fact that NO known food source has a shelf life exceeding 150 years...HOSTESS...makers of nuclear holocaust surviving Twinkies has closed its after the caravan has passed the one year mile marker cannibalism is going to be the only viable resource for sustenance...procreation will hafta serve as a method for replenishing food sources...and where will rest...relaxation...sleep and entertainment take place??? I am a military brat so I have SLC (static location complex)...I can't stand being in the same damn location for more than a few years...even if I live in the same region I hafta change houses frequently to maintain my sanity...can you imagine being cooped up in a damn car for a single year...let alone 150??? neither...hell we took over 30 days just to travel from California to North Carolina when we got transferred from Hawai'i...NOT because the distance required it...but because NONE of us had the burning desire to be remembered as the second coming of the Donner Pass Party...150 years in a car...DUMBASS...we haven't developed a strategic plan of action for landing a man on Mars for the simple fact it would take a couple year to get there and we have NO concept of what lengthy space travel might supply interaction...mental health concerns...all come into play...150 years to drive a car to the's taken at least a third of that time...50+ years to develop a damn space agency that isn't laughed'll take another 25-30 years of research before we can even consider sending manned space flights into orbit around distant planets and even then the first few missions are going to be more of an educational experience than part of a plan to colonize a distant planet and make it habitable...and the damn thing is NONE of these legitimate agencies are even halfheartedly considering the use of the common car concept to get us's a little about we stop trying to reinvent the wheel...and just continue making improvements to REALISTIC concepts on which we have already made modifications to accommodate modern other words...let's NOT abandon that day job bagging groceries there ya ignorant Galaxy Jumping Juggernaut...I have a strong suspicion you will drive yourself insane long before ever reaching the sun in a sedan!!!
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