The bark of the redwood tree is fireproof. Fires in redwood forests take place inside the tree...
...IDK about you folks but I suddenly feel DUMBER just having read that...there isn't a wood product known to man that is completely FIREPROOF...ya know how I know isn't through deductive reasoning...intuition...research or dawned on me through NOTHING more than COMMON sense...IF the bark of a redwood tree were FIREPROOF, then all homes in America...especially those built in California...primarily the northern region...would all be made out of redwood bark...DUMBASS...the bark of a redwood tree can be as thick as 1' deep from inner edge to outer also contains tannins...which make the material fire RESISTANT...NOT fire proof alludes to the fact that an object or item CANNOT be compromised by fire if you believe the government's version of what occurred on 9/11...then you also believe that reinforced hardened steel support beams can melt to the point of buckling and collapsing entire buildings in less than half an hour...having worked at in the iron forging industry for over 10 years...I can attest to the fact that without a CONSTANT high intensity heat source that is IMPOSSIBLE...much the same way it would be impossible to light a fire in a redwood forest and experience NO permanent damage from the event...sequoias and redwoods may receive less damage or take longer to ignite...but they will a matter of fact it is because of the fire RESISTANT properties of redwood bark that fires in these types of forests are harder to put out...the fire can move to the interior of the tree and burn for days before causing the bark to experience which point it will explode and allow the fire to spread to other flora and foliage present in the area...almost makes me wonder if this wasn't the unknown brother of the Titanic architect...seeing as how all idiots share a common thought CANNOT build unsinkable aquatic vehicles anymore than he can erect a FIREPROOF structure out of a wood's like trying to win the Super Bowl with Tony Romo as your quarterback...physically and logically IMPOSSIBLE...(Lions fans can relate...NOT that they have a Romo-esque quarterback but ANYONE wearing that uniform signed off on having a worthwhile career on draft day) know what is absolutely FIREPROOF??? Absolutely there are those in the scientific community that would have you believe fire CANNOT exist in a vacuum...they propose that oxygen is an essential element for creating and feeding a fire of any size...they point to outer space and insist that fires cannot occur there...or that if they do they will be rapidly extinguished without interference until such a time as the oxygen that is available has exhausted...I...on the other hand...being a think outside the box kinda NOT support the theory that fire requires OXYGEN to function constantly and continuously at higher temperatures than any of us have ever imagined...all I hafta do to poke holes in this theory is wake up EACH & EVERY and stare off into space...where OXYGEN does NOT least NOT at levels that would sustain and support a fire as we know it...HOWEVER there just happens to be one of the largest fires ever seen by man...floating across the sky on a daily basis...the sun is an ENORMOUS ball of atmosphere to speak of and therefore one could safely assume no oxygen to feed the fire...seems to be a common thread in the scientific community...offering unsubstantiated claims to support theories they couldn't otherwise many of these high IQ individuals originally thought the Earth was the center of the universe??? Or the the world was flat and only existed on a single plane...didn't it ever occur to them that when they dug into the Earth they broke that plane and therefore should have had a direct hole to the underside of the world and a clear and concise glimpse at what space looked like on the other side of the world??? They tell you today that black holes exist...that they create a vacuum/vortex in space from which absolutely NOTHING escapes...they theorize that these massive gravity consuming chambers absorb EVERYTHING in sight...they have absolutely NO idea where all of this space matter goes or what happens inside this mysterious vortex...this theory itself does NOT compute Will Robinson...(I used a reference to this old TV show because it would appear that even the most brilliant minds on this planet are...Lost in Space)'s my theory on why black holes do NOT exist or CANNOT exist as they claim...LIGHT...which we all know from these same science minded morons...travels at a speed of 186,282 miles per second...per second folks...NOT per hour...NOT per day...per SECOND...therefore in order for a black hole to exist it would have to create a vacuum in space...(which as scientists often claim is a vacuum itself...absent of oxygen at sustainable levels) CANNOT create a vacuum within a is IMPOSSIBLE according to the laws of physics that have been INVENTED to prove all other theories...that point aside...even if a black hole could create a vacuum in the vacuum of space it would have to absorb interstellar objects...planets...stars...asteroids...comets...meteors and all related space junk and debris at a rate significantly greater than the speed of other words...far greater than at the rate of 186,282 miles per second...which in turn would mean that our night time sky would undergo drastic and rapid changes on a daily basis...adhering to the fantasy that a black hole exists in the form they would be safe in assuming that the closer an object is to the center of gravitational forces present in a black hole...the quicker it would slip over the edge and disappear from the night sky...since NONE of us...or the scientific community seems able to point to previous star charts or maps from thousands of years ago and pinpoint the absence of identifiable stars...Imma hafta conclude that black holes are an anomaly for which they have absolutely NO viable or logical explanation...if they exist at reminds me of one of my favorite sayings..."The TRUTH will NOT set you FREE...the willingness to question EVERYTHING will set you FREE...TRUTH is merely an unpleasant side effect"...the sooner uneducated followers STOP buying into the BULLSHIT they insist is factual...the sooner we can take the next step in EVOLUTION...OPEN YOUR MIND and you will see more than if you just OPEN YOUR EYES!!!
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