Tuesday, February 5, 2013


If you are in total darkness for three days and three nights you become permanently blind...

...believed NOBODY in the history of science or medicine...why???  Because if that were the case there would be more blind people than optically enhanced humans running the Earth...think about it...where do you spend the first 9 months of your life???  In the womb...a dark and murky area that attempts to confine you...can you see while you are in there???  Chances are...probably not without the presence of light close to the belly during the final trimester...however what happens when you erupt through the vaginal birthing canal...LIGHT...SIGHT & SCARY masked people poking...prodding and slapping your ass...here's a little known fact for those that dwell in the dark corners of illogical thinking...human evolution...takes years to accomplish NATURALLY...(it has been hastened from time to time by extra-terrestrial visitors)...but all in all...it took millions of years to climb from the caves and build an infrastructure like the internet...3 days and 3 nights of absolute and total darkness is something that has been endured and documented by a number of POW's...and remarkably MANY of them retained their ability to SEE...about the ONLY thing 3 days and 3 nights of TOTAL darkness is going to accomplish is hyp0er-sensitivity to light when re-introduced...what a shining beacon of brilliance this thunder muffin of misinformation must be...I am constantly reminded of what a LOVE/HATE relationship I have with the internet...remember the good old days when you hadta go to the library to look for information???  EVERYTHING on the shelves was categorized accordingly...useful sh*t fell under FACTS...diatribes from DUMBASSES like this dipshidiot were listed under the FICTION heading...nowadays I'd generously estimate 50% of internet users are direct descendants of the blond bimbo in the State Farm commercial...believing that..."they can't put anything FALSE on the internet"...I mean holy crap...read an article in a science or medical magazine once in awhile...there are several areas of experimentation going on to cure blindness...cornea transplants...stem cell research...any of that ring a bell there ya below average being???  I personally love the darkness...during the warmer summer months it is my favorite time to be out of the house...simply because there are far less F**KTARDS to run into...ya know what happens when you are kept in total darkness for 3 days and 3 nights???  You lose your sense of time...you bump into shit...you might injure yourself...or you have been abducted and need to FOCUS on getting out of a bad situation...you're probably being held captive by some...the Hills Have Eyes inhabitants..which in and of itself is far worse than going blind...ya know what happens if you shove your head up your ass for 3 days and 3 nights a la this individual???  You lose your sense of smell as well as your ability to manufacture anything other than shitty ideas...I'll tell ya...there are days...(many more than not)...that I just wanna run out into the water and pull the damn plug...drain the gene pool and start all over again...I have my own 3 day 3 night theory that might help people like this imposter of intelligence...wanna hear it???  I thought ya might...I propose that poorly educated puppets of this nature subscribe to a process of keeping their mouths shut for a period of 3 days and 3 nights...yeah yeah yeah...they might be a little famished when they are provided with food...but it will prevent them from appearing as though they have a higher number of eyelets on their shoes than the score of their IQ test...IMLTHO...(that's cyber speak for...In My Less Than Humble Opinion)...the Guardians of Google need to step up the search engine specifications and assign labels to categories for websites...IDC what they call them...FACT/FICTION...REAL BEEF/BULLSHIT...I hafta use search engines to conduct research for my work...I would love to be able to weed out all the wildly worthless websites that congest the internet...hell even hafta the crap you find on Wikipedia has little captions stating [citation needed] or help improve the page...for every page you find supporting facts or theories you can find just as many debunking it...ya damn near need to be Inspector Gadget of the Internet to sift through the ass loads of illegitimate ignorance asshats place on websites...I wish it were that easy to affect blindness in human beings...I'd have a bevy of elbow bumping zombies bouncing about this planet...try OPENING your mind...NOT just your eyes...when faced with data ONLY the offspring of Dubya should beleive!!!

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