Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Fingernails grow faster on the hand that you favor...

This is actually fabulous information to be aware of...if you happen to be a one handed obsessive masturbatory which case you may wanna schedule more manicures for the affected appendage than the one you neglect...and quite honestly...that very tidbit statement makes absolutely NO sense...what happens to the everyday eroding capable equipment we prefer to use... or FAVOR in this idiots information??? It wears down the more we USE it...anyone that has had the tie-rod go out on the right front side of a vehicle can attest to the fact that the right front side tire wears out quicker than all the others until the broken parts are replaced...If you look really hard and close at the shoes on your feet...the one you favor the most has a heavier wear pattern than the one you don't...fingernails...being made of a material called keratin...which is a solid yet easily modified deposit...can be worn down with nothing more than a file...stands to reason then that the fingernails on the ambulatory appendage you prefer to use the most...masturbating or otherwise...would have a slightly shorter length than one that does NOT receive as much attention...I swear...sometimes I wish I could just grab everyone I come across and shake the cattle mentality they have right out of them...damn 'sheeple' is what they are...too damn dumb to use a Coke cap's worth of common sense to flee from the flock and think freely...I blame this on the education system in this country...more recently than previously...outside of learning the intricacies of mathematics...public education systems are assininely inadequate ways to educate your's a National problem of pandemic proportions...think about it...half the shit ya learn in Science class...THEORIES...they live in hypothetical habitats where their ideas make sense...History hear the stories of the victorious forefathers of the human race...losers don't write history books...they become demonized as the Ultimate ya think if we woulda lost WWII any of our history books would reflect the remarkable courage and intestinal fortitude of America's fighting men and working women...seriously we glorify the Nazi's or for that matter the Japanese...NO...we painted them out to be PLANETARY PROBLEM CHILDREN...and then shortly after winning the war on both fronts...we secured their top scientists and used their technologies...maybe NOT in the same fashion...but we are getting there...English class...since nunya r havin a problem readin this in piss poor written words...I'm guessin that class is a boring waste of time...PE class...seriously...WTF is that besides a complete and utter waste of finances...your kids don't needa structured play pen to exercise...lookin' at the current OBESITY EPIDEMIC...that seems to explode upon the younger generations of today shortly after leaving Elementary...I'd venture to guess that what your kids need is less technology... and more time spent outside doin chores like you and I did at that age...all these public education programs do is dumb us down...or our children to be more make them compliant and complacent with the SYSTEM...NOBODY rocks the boat anymore...outta fear mongering perpetuated by our elected political can't even peacefully assemble anymore without being FORCED by ARMED agents of the local...state or federal government to disburse...especially if the purpose of such a protest is in direct contrast to the status quo..look at the OCCUPY movements...completely peaceful for the most part...a handful of truly unruly and dissatisfied protestors participated and were they the ONLY ONES removed...hell many of you...or your children have ANY idea what the 16th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution is??? (Great...ya looked it up on Google...thereby exhibiting pure genius[sarcasm dripping off that last sentence like syrup off a stack of pancakes] now do a little more research) is the Amendment allowing the IRS...a non-government impose taxes on ANY & ALL sources of viable income or valuable was and has NEVER been legally was PUSHED through into law illegally..making income tax a completely voluntary process...most of you are probably under the false assumption that the taxes you pay on a pay period basis are being used by the government to establish budgets for their various programs...WRONG...your income taxes...gas taxes...ANY & ALL forms of taxation are used to pay off the INTEREST accrued by the loans the U.S. Government takes out from the FEDERAL RESERVE...another non-government entity...that was granted the permission to "create" money for Congress...the ONLY legal and legitimate entity ALLOWED to manufacture money or coin currency...why??? PROFITABILITY...what does it cost to print a $1.00 bill???  Doesn't really costs the very same amount of money to print a $100.00 bill...why is this important???  Because as a non-government privately owned institution granted the power to make money at will...the FEDERAL RESERVE has the ability to manufacture the money the government needs without backing it with something of value...since it costs them pennies on the paper note to print they stand to make trillions in interest...hmmm...trillions you in like the same bracket as our National Debt...finally starting to sink in a little bit...if not then maybe you are better off biting the nails off your favorite fingers to keep them relatively similar in length to your others...and wait for that'll letcha know when the next mass feeding of the fog headed forgotten is about to take place so you can fight for a spot at the trough!!! BE FOREWARNED...the moron that came up with this tidbit will be at the head of that line... SENIORITY has it's benefits...even among the STUPID!!!

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