Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Modern diets contain so many preservatives that dead human bodies do not deteriorate as quickly as they used to...

I have absolutely NO doubt whatsoever that this tidbit does contain some truth to it...it also contains some very revealing facts about people in general as well as the government agencies in place to protect the interests of the populace...for one there is NOTHING traditional about the modern diet...we as people...and especially as American citizens have been comforted and coddled for decades...this has spilled over into our food sources...decades ago your parents and grandparents grew their own food...harvested their own food...canned...dehydrated and stored their own food...from grains to goats they were self-reliant out of the necessity to survive...many of us today would be unable to SURVIVE an event such as the Great Depression...simply because we lack the knowledge to carry out many of these self-reliant tasks...if we can't find it on the store shelves it must NOT be meant for us to eat...people that live in concentrated areas of population...metropolitan regions...NYC...LA...Chicago to name a few...have absolutely NO idea what a farm animal or plant looks like...at least for the most part...unless they see pictures of it in a book... should these people ever find themselves in dire circumstances...they will starve and serve as road kill for rodents...another glaring fact found from this tidbit is that the FDA really doesn't give two shits about your health or well-being...it is a complex process carried out in conjunction with the major health heroes of our country...you can't operate a hospital at maximum efficiency if everyone on the planet is in good health...preservatives added to food generally have long term side effects for humans and are more than likely responsible for the significant increases in deadly diseases we are faced with today...cancers...YAY...itsa vicious cycle...the FDA approves the shit...sheeple eat the shit because its supposed to be good for you...you end up in the hospital...the hospitals and doctors profit from your presence and the FDA gets kickbacks from the major medical industry...I know...I know...some of you think I'm just blowing smoke...but I dare say statistics support this theory...people of the past lived longer and usually healthier lives than people do today...hell my own grandmother knew NOAH on a first name basis...claims to have stowed away for the 40 day voyage...and she canned enough of her own food that after she finally passed away we had a canned goods sale that's still going on...and she has been gone now for almost two years...now I don't currently subscribe to a grow it yourself lifestyle...ONLY because I do NOT have the land available to do so...but I do employ smart shopping exercises and purchase what I can from the local farmer's market when I can...it supports the local economy and it generally consists of organic supplies free from pesticides...now if you live in an area like Detroit this isn't something I would recommend...simply because many of the local farms around big cities are part of the commercial industry and their crops are sprayed with pesticides and pollutants as part of their agreement with the parent company...buying from them just cuts out the middle man at the canning company...it doesn't result in healthy organic supplements...get outside of the city...by a distance of at least two hours before you begin looking for a farmer's market to shop from...buy in bulk and can your own crap...it isn't a difficult process and storage is rather simple...if you fancy a feast at the fast food chain on a daily basis...BRAVO for you...archaeologists in the year 3575 will be able to unearth your carcass and discover all kinds of pertinent information regarding life back in the medieval times of the Information & Technology Age we live in today...while you may NOT be doing much for your own health and well-being...you should still be applauded and heralded for your futuristic foresight...think of where we would be right now if we weren't able to uncover remains of distant civilizations today...probably without a shit ton of misinformation...that's where...so you are doing your part to help future generations fail to come up with a logical explanation of how people lived in the past...that or you are just a lazy SOB with more money than you need...you should adopt Liberal principles and donate more money every tax year to help out all of the welfare recipients and illegal aliens your ilk deem acceptable...I used to eat that crap from fast food joints here and there but NOT anymore...I climbed into a vehicle one time...suffice to say owned by one of my offspring...and reached under the seat to search for a lighter that had dropped out of my pocket...I discovered a burger box among other things...I pulled it out of the way to continue my search...leaving the burger box on the floorboard across from me...when said offspring noticed the burger box they asked where I found that...when I explained it was under the seat...they proceeded to tell me they lost it 3-4 weeks ago and wondered where it went...they thought one of their friends had taken it as a joke on the night it went missing...I opened the burger box just to see if anyone had actually started eating it before stashing it in a secret location and forgetting about it...it had about 1/3 of it missing...bite marks in place...aside from that you woulda thought that damn thing was part of an exhibit at a wax museum...needless to say I very seldom even acknowledge fast food joints unless I am in an absolute rush for time and need something to prevent the onset of ill temper and mannerisms...I find it keeps me from going on a rampage and choking the shit out of those that deserve it...yes I probably have enough preservatives in me to add a few days to my underground shelf life...but that doesn't really matter to me...I plan on having a Viking funeral...NO I don't have any Nordic Heritage that I know of...Irish...German...Czech and Bohemian...so it's close enough...we came over on boats...I plan to leave on one...so for people like myself...eating fast food...or commercially grown foods groups packed with preservatives...the ensuing fire from the well placed flaming arrows should be quite a spectacle and burn well into the wee hours of the following morning...if NOT serve as an eternal floating flame configuration...gotta love living in the land of capitalism...all ya need to do is have enough financial folding paper to throw around in the right directions and you can get laws passed and programs for pesticides passed...I quit calling it money because it really has NO value...I know some of you think I'm just a screw loose citizen with an ingrown ass hair about the currency system we so faithfully follow...apparently I am NOT the ONLY one with a sense of humor about this subject...the Federal Reserve thinks paper money is such a joke they redesigned it with a secret color scheme...you can see comparisons in the picture below...
Still think itsa joke???  NOT very funny when the Federal Reserve has the same exact power entitled to the BANKER of a Monopoly Board game...if you read the rules of Monopoly...when the BANK runs out of money...the BANKER can manufacture more using strips of paper...and comparable colors to designate different denominations...I know this doesn't have much to do with preservatives in the modern diet as far as commercial food groups of the current era are concerned...but it sheds some light on how covertly revealing federal agencies...and those illegally associated with it (Federal Reserve) are and how they feel about the very people that remain silent and unconcerned about the systems they present as acceptable and plausible...this all paints a picture of a disaster in the making...they dumb us down and plant bad information in our heads to get us to BUY into the BS...most people in this country are completely out of tune with reality...they do NOT believe that this type of stuff happens here in America...WTFU people...America is often the shining example by which all other countries decide to follow suit...a lot of what we see around the world started here in America...yet we blame it on others because we are told to do so...do you think TERRORISM got its roots in the Middle East???  Obviously you didn't pay attention in US History class...prior to the Revolutionary War all combatants met on the battle field and fought in close quarters combat configurations...this has been well-documented throughout history...some were on horseback...some were stationary...and some were foot soldiers...but they all met on a field and battled until their was a decided Victor...during the Revolutionary War...American regimental troops and militias were formed among the citizenry...a NEW warrior was created...known as a Sniper...these were trained hunters and therefore sharp shooters...their primary function was to setup and shoot senior officers of the British Army...the thought was that if you got rid of the command structure the underling troops would run helter skelter for the nearest boat and head back to England...in other words they were to strike fear and TERROR into the hearts of the enemy by remaining unseen...yes modern terrorism...much like the modern diet...has undergone significant changes and advances...but they are both homegrown products of a different era...don't believe what they tell you...believe what they omit from telling you...it is often far more revealing!!!

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