Tuesday, October 18, 2011

If you were born in Los Alamos, NM during the Manhattan Project (they made the atomic bomb), your birth place is listed as a post office box in Albuquerque!

Boy did my Momma hit the nail on the head with that one...Los Alamos New Mexico circa 1950...middle of the desert...southwest quadrant...US of A...population...3 lost souls, a dog...a couple scorpions...maybe a snake...and a beat up cactus plant...I kinda doubt they had a zip code let alone a Post Office to stick a box in...lol...why would they list your POB as a...P.O.B...hmmm...Place of Birth...Post Office Box...who the hell was born ina Post Office Box...Tiny Tim...Tom Thumb...Thumbelina...probably not...have ya ever seen The Hills Have Eyes...that's Los Alamos...Nuketown...Retardville...buncha real winners there...looks like the Elephant Man and the guy from Goonies tag teamed the chick in the picture attached.  Idk about you guys...but if I could have my birthplace listed as a P.O.Box in New Mexico I think I would petition the U.S. Government to declare my lily white ass a piece of male (it's not misspelled...it's a pun) and then anytime I wanted to go somewhere I'd just show up at the post office dressed in a white T-shirt...buck naked from the waist down...with an address on the back of the shirt and an oversized Elvis stamp stuck to my forehead...that's right...you wanna guinea pig nuclear (or nucular as some of the more radiated people used to say when they's in office) weapons on me the least you can do is provide me with cheap airfare...what the hell were they thinking...did they really think they could just mail all the egg headed embryo's to an imaginary Post Office in the middle of the New Mexico desert and nobody would catch on???  Hello???  McFly???  You'd think the mailman would be the first to figure it out...I mean how many times does a guy hafta drive down some dusty 2 track to the middle of a bomb crater before he starts settin off the geiger counters back at headquarters...I'm actually kinda glad the government in this country elected to engage in the various degrees of dumbass testing with atom bombs and hydrogen bombs...and "F" bombs...way back in the '50's...I mean hell if they hadn't figured out how to produce somethin that could get into the wrong hands and wreak havoc throughout the Terrible Towel Head Territories...where would we be today???  Would we be waterboarding people for answers...in a prison cell...somewhere tropical like say...Cuba...just far enough away from American soil to allow our government plausible deniability???  I think NOT!!!  We would probably be minding our own damn business instead of running around preaching Democracy and then shoving our way of life down other people's throats...but Hey...who am I to judge...maybe there were WMD (Weapons of Moronic Debate) in Iraq and our re-invasion of a country...proven to be a buncha Shame faced Sunni Shit talkers...was justified...then again maybe it was all about what Ol' Jed liked to call Texas Tea...either way...next time you happen to be travelling thru New Mexico...Los Alamos to be exact...which I've learned is an old Mexican phrase meaning "nuke me til my asshole falls out everytime I stand up"...take a peak up into the rocky hills as you pass by and give a heary salute to the Humpback Hillbillies who made government guinea pig testing such a successfull endeavor!!!

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