The little lump of flesh just forward of your ear canal, right next to your temple, is called a tragus.
Just thought you might need that little bit of information!
This was an ingenious evolutionary occurrence, whether by design or pure happenstance, depending on your present belief many things can be done with the little kids you can put a finger on each Tragus and rapidly push and release...makes a neat little wah wah sound...awful entertaining...for a 3 year old...(get your fingers off your tragus' readers...its a story...not pictionary) you get older and start dating the tragus becomes a nice place to spill your secrets to your significant will only be after you leave each other that you will wish he/she had been makin the wah wah sound instead of listening to every word you some point during the know-it-all teenage years, and the early adulthood years, the tragus becomes a symbol of toughness amongst the body for a pin cushion crowd, and becomes a pedestal for your late 20's to early 30's reality sets in, the piercing stud is removed, and career paths are chosen...somewhere along the line the Tragus becomes a hitching post for earphones or bluetooth devices...then in your early 40's it miraculously springs to life in a vibrant hue of black and gray on this tiny atoll of otherwise useless flesh sprouts a forest so dense very little survives in it...even sound...theres no hafta pull out the tweezers and get to clearin the forest in hopes of once again hearing...eventually you give up trying, and resort to hiding a miniature megaphone amongst the branches, hopin to pick up even the remotest of noises...hearing nothin more than a rambling stream of gobble dee gook, which in turn causes you to utter the ever so famous WHA WAS THAT...or COME AGAIN...SAY THAT AGAIN YOUNG WHIPPER SNAPPER...wherd would we be without the Tragus...up to our eyeballs in useless bluetooth headsets and tweezers thats where!!!
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