Tuesday, October 18, 2011

An To Ti Another Today's Tidbit

Time slows down near a black hole; inside time stops completely.

I'm not sure why we need to know this, but I'm sure Kevin will enlighten us!!

How many of you have been inside a black hole???  And NO I'm not
referring to the Brillo Pad Betty your boys pitched in on to rid you
of your virginity on your 28th birthday!  I am always amazed and the
absolutely outrageous and unfounded theories put forth by the
scientific community...time slows down as it approaches a black
hole...once inside time stops completely...lets consider for a moment
that 'time' isn't an actual physical entity...it is in fact an
idea...you can't reach out and touch it...smell it...taste it...hear
it...nor can you see it...scientists, who one would assume know more
about physics than some cell phone salesman in the hinterlands of
Northern Michigan, put forth a theory having you believe that 'time'
is capable of motion and therefore stoppable...personally I think the
black hole lies somewhere between the ears of the genius who
hypothesized this theory in the first place...scientists also claim
anything approaching a black hole gets caught in the hyper vacuum it
creates, from which even light is inescapable...well duh dumbass it's
called a 'black hole'...not a foggy hole, or a hazy hole...time
doesn't stop for anyone or anything...especially some George Lucas
script..."Time and the Black Hole"...I don't know what happens in or
around a black hole for certain...probably because the nearest one is
so many light years away it would take 4 generations to get to, and
that alone should enlighten you to the simple fact you can't believe
everything you hear comin out of the over educated, misinformed
scientific community...good lord...a black hole causing time to slow
down and come to a stop...hey genius...if time functions as a
constant...meaning it flows at the same rate continually...until it
approaches the black hole and then begins to slow down until it
finally enters the black hole and then it stops...what happens to all
that fast moving time that is still on its way...does it bottleneck at
the gaping entrance to the black hole...because one would be safe in
assuming that if time stops still, all time that follows would
eventually stop due to a logjam at the exit ramp of outer
space...whadda they think theres an unfound 'White Hole" at the
opposite end that sucks up all this stopped time and spits it back out
at twice it's normal speed??  Look my ass has a black hole, and quite
honestly nothing...not even time slows down or stops when it's within
a few feet of my miniature space replica...as a matter of fact it's
usually quite the opposite...until they send a space craft occupied or
otherwise directly into the heart of a black hole, I'm gonna go out on
a limb and suggest that a black hole is still an unknown
phenomenon...you know like when the Lions win a game...or the Tigers
wake up every few years and flirt with the notion of kickin everyone's
ass and claiming the Crown...LMAO!!!  Have a Great Weekend

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