Tuesday, October 18, 2011

An To Ti Another Today's Tidbit

Beer is made by fermentation caused by bacteria feeding on yeast cells and then defecating.  In other words, it's a nice tall glass of bacteria doo-doo!

I'm changing to wine!!

Change to wine all you want...its just French bacteria thats more full of shit than American beer bacteria...it must be a necessary ingredient our ancient alien forefathers included in our DNA..."every so often these humanoid offspring need to ingest enough bacteria dung to have an out of body experience, that's the only way we will be able to show up unannounced, abduct Bubba, teach him the rules of the donkey while we 'pin' his tail on, and get away with it"  Most research suggests that alcohol...or as we like to call it...cell mutating bacteria caca...sounds more sophisticated...anyway, in moderation it appears to have healthful effects on the human body...and as is always the case some of the human lab rats are always eager to impress, so they are subject to the overimbibification ...(trust me it's in Dubya's Dictionary for Dummies Revised Post Presidential Edition Vol. 5)...process just to see how much an alien abductee can withstand having phalangetically inserted in his backwoods ass rectal compartment, once his cranial intelligence capacitator is removed...ever notice you never see Koreans drunk or professing alien abduction, yet they seem to live long healthy lives...they eat Kim-Chee...and if you think yeast cell consumption by bacteria in beer is bad...you need to get a whiff of this stuff...its gotta be the equivalent of bad Mexican food and horse laxatives for the bacteria...this stuff smells like an all night prison bitch buffet...a million nervous sweaty swamp asses suffocating in the stench of methane, burning rubber and vaseline...and yet considered not only consumable but also a delicacy...so eat up, drink up, and be healthy!!!

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