The official soft drink of the state of Nebraska is Kool-Aid
Really??? And hear I thought it was a Jonestown exclusive...hell I even caught wind there was a coupla new flavors comin out...Guyana Grape...cures Gout, Gonorrhea, and Getting up the next day...then thats gonna be followed by Jim's Jungle Juice...a hallucinatory concoction...Cherry flavored...with just a hint of the hell did Nebraska lay claim...I mean what the hell...did Jim Jones run a Cornfed Countryfuck Camp outside of Lincoln back in the day to recruit his Kool-Aid Kids...909, women, and children...committed suicide...and I say...GOOD RIDDANCE!!! But Kevin...thats so cold and heartless...(screeching halt sound) hold up...wait a minute...lets think about this a second...a huge group of people gathered together and willingly believed in a lunatic and his much so they drank spiked Kool Aid to kill themselves...and I'm supposed to feel...what? Sorry for a little compassion...NO...these people did society/civilization a favor...I mean c'mon who wants that shit floatin around the gene pool...NOT a matter of fact I can't wait for Christmas next year...with the whole 2012 End of Days prophecies...can you imagine all the shit thats gonna be left behind??? I'm hopin to claim a few fully furnished homes on my own private island...a huge boat/yacht...I.mean the opportunities should almost be limitless...Christmas next year should definitely be nice for those who have crazy assed cousin fucker cult members close at hand...and just in case I'm wrong and not enough of these...'The End is Near' Neandrathals don't off themselves before Christmas...have no fear...I have a huge punchbowl to bring in the New Year!!!
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