Tuesday, October 18, 2011

An To Ti Another Today's Tidbit

"When hooked up to an EEG machine, a bowl of lime Jello exhibits the identical brain waves of a healthy adult."

I think we all know some people with jello brains!!

That's just what I wanted to know...somewhere in history somebody who was apparently in the medical field, used their extensive college education to hook an EEG machine up to a bowl of lime green jello and came to the conclusion that the readout was identical to that of a healthy adult...probably a better than average chance this individual still walks among us... still in debt up to their eyeballs with a plethora of unpaid student loans, that continue to burden society, and bankrupt our economy, all in the name of better 'tasting' medicine... This Med School graduate had a Tommy Chong or 2 as frat brothers...you know this is one of my biggest fears...I'll get one of my kids thru college...years of student loans to pay back...a degree in a chosen career field...only to find out my little genius wasted several years conducting experiments to end up with his ignomious results posted in one of grandma's daily tidbits...Research has shown that if you snort a limp noodle doused in hot sauce thru a straw it has the same narcotic effect of cocaine...it'll cross your eyes...numb the back of your throat, and have ya pukin in no time...or Didja know that sniffing airplane glue while in flight has the exact same effect as a dog stickin its head out the window...your ears are likely to flap around uncontrolably, and the passengers sitting behind you are gonna needa towel to wipe all that drool off...Didja know if you get a blond a hunting license...give them a gun...send them into the woods to look for tracks, they'll eventually find and follow the tracks right up to the minute the train runs them over...lol...My favorite experiment is the one where you throw a piece of glass, some old shoe leather, an asshole, and a southern accent into a blender...you end up with a draft dodging, window lickin, helmet headed moron with political ambitions named Dumbya...I'm just thankful the ignorant bastard didn't have any male athletes amongst his little swimmers at the Olympics of Conception...we don't ever need to hear the name BUSH associated with anything outside of baked bean commercials!!!

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