Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Today's Tidbit 10/07/2011

From the strange law archive:

Snoring is prohibited in Massachusetts unless all bedroom windows are closed and securely locked.  It is also illegal to go to bed without first having a full bath.

And you couldn't have found this out like lets say 10-15 years ago...while Grandma was still rattling glass and sending roof shingles screaming thru the midnight air...course I doubt very seriously that a few closed windows woulda helped much...which is why they probably had to be securely locked also...for fear the neighbors would all gather in the backyard with torches burning...planning to attack the Ogre making that awful bone grinding snore...I love my Grandma dearly but when that lady snored it sounded like a convoy of 18 wheelers jakebraking thru town,  a couple dozen jackhammers all pounding away in unison...a parking lot full of top fuel dragsters all firing the engines together...to say the lady snored is an understatement...kinda like sayin...theres sand in the desert...it just doesn't serve it justice!  As far as the bathing thing goes...I guess if I were homeless I would exploit this little law to the fullest extent and move my dirty cardboard house carryin ass to Mass...they made the law...they can enforce it...by giving me a free bath every damn day...get a few thousand cardboard corporals to move into Boston...a month of bathin on the states dime I'm pretty sure they'll find it behooves them to change the law rather than pay the water bill...I love these Strange Law archives...it kinda proves my point from yesterday...here we are laughing about the dumb shit they did a few hundred years ago...which are still on the books today!  The same people who were in a position to pass these laws...are the same type of people who have me sharing this picture with you today...they're about as brilliant as a bowl of lime green jello...nice and shiny...without the ability to formulate a single thought...lol

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