Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Strange Law Archive SLA

From the strange law archive:

Mailing an entire building has been illegal in the U.S. since 1916 when a man mailed a 40,000 ton brick house across Utah to avoid high freight rates.

Come on!! 

Welcome to America...land of the strangest laws known to man...you can't mail an entire building across the country, but what you can do is mail white powder anywhere in the country and scare the living hell out of a few thousand people...start an anthrax scare...shut down whole sections of government...if you work for UPS you'll undoubtedly remember the United Pot Smugglers incident...they were without a doubt one of the biggest marijuana traffickers in their heydey.  I love this country...it's apparently been illegal for anyone coming here...anyone living here...or anyone wanting to seek refuge here to do so with a lick of common sense...mailing a 40,000 ton brick house across Utah in 1916...a mere 8 years after an assembly line was invented for the production of automobiles...so lemme ask you...do you think it's likely...or even possible...that in a mere 8 years our country built its first automobile plant in Michigan...producing such an enormous amount of vehicles that the Mormon tyranny of Utah took it upon themselves to started paving roads and building interstates wide enough to carry a 40,000 ton brick house on a flatbed???  Chances are if you had mentioned a flatbed back in 1916...in Utah...you probably woulda gotten some funny looks form Brigham Young and his 40 wives...nope the fact that there were even 40,000 tons of bricks in the whole state of Utah in 1916 is suspect...it's not like the Salt Flats were the shipping Mecca of the untamed West!  No sir this country is a hotbed of the dumbest...least thought out...anal retentive laws a person could think of.  It has always struck me odd that our forefathers came here to escape the living conditions they were 'subject' to back in the old countries.  Is it just me or is the government really just a cesspool of intellectual aomeba's...mindless, spineless jellylike creatures!!  You think this Utah thing is crazy...have you ever stopped to consider that the 2 most addictive substances known to man...alcohol and tobacco...are available over the counter to anyone of age...and yet anything else that cause a craving is subject to the scrutiny of the blandest most tasteless group of people on earth, government employees...but Kevin there are for more addictive substances out there, surely alcohol and tobacco can't be the cream of the "I need a drink and some nicotine before I behead somebody" crop...and right you would be...but no two other cash cows are produced on the enormous scale that these are...no my friends...mailing an entire building to avoid high shipping freights wasn't the issue in 1916 Utah...the fact that the government couldn't figure out how to spread a .04 cent stamp thin enough they could all take a bite was more likely the culprit...here's a neat little tidbit on how to mail something for free...not that anybody uses the USPS for anything anymore...but should you ever find yourself in need of mailing a letter, a package, or anything under 40,000 tons shaped like a house...place the item inside the envelope...place your name and address in the middle...where you would normally place the addressee information...then in the top left corner of the envelope write the address of where you actually want the piece of mail to end up...do NOT put a stamp on it...walk to your closest mailbox, and drop it in...the post office will notice there isn't a stamp, mark it return to sender...and viola'...package delivered free of charge, courtesy of your overpaid...tax thieving government!!

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